Arranging General Uncategorized

Dorico Music Notation Software

a Introduction In the mid-1990’s I started using Finale (version 3.7) as my music notation software of choice. (Prior to that I used MusicPrinterPlus). When version six of Sibelius came out I tried it out and switched to it because it was far more intuitive than Finale. When Dorico 4 was released in early 2022 […]

Arranging General Music Theory Other Sibelius

More on iPad apps for music

iPad music apps See also an updated article HERE If you have some time, please listen to my music on iTunes (Click here) This is a followup to my previous blog about sheet music apps for the iPad. My favorite and the app I use the most for viewing sheet music is still forScore. If […]

Arranging General Sibelius YouTube Videos

New video: Importing XML files into Sibelius 7

Importing XML files into Sibelius 7 I’ve posted a new video on YouTube about importing and editing XML files in Sibelius 7. One can take MusicXML files exported from such programs as Finale and import into Sibelius. Some tips on doing that and editing them once they are in Sibelius. [youtube] In addition to […]