Albums Arranging Reaper Recordings

Exciting times (track notes)

Continuing my liner notes for my July 2018 album “Sampler” Track 7, Exciting Times, was my first experiment on doing something entirely from loops. Not audio loops, but MIDI loops. The entire track was produced from MIDI loops. I use to subscribe to a magazine that included a download link or a DVD that had […]

Albums Reaper Recordings

Beginning The Adventure (Album track review)

Sampler Beginning The Adventure (This is the first of a series of articles about the tracks in my new album Sampler) The album is available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon MP3 The first track is called Beginning The Adventure. As a side note, I have to say that coming up with titles for my music is […]

Albums Arranging General Organ Music Piano Lessons Reaper Recordings Sibelius Website News YouTube Videos

May 2018 update

Current news I’m always looking for subjects to write about here or tutorial to do on YouTube. Please use the comments section to give me some ideas. I’ve not shown a map of where people are buying and performing my sheet music for some time, so here’s the latest (as of Mar 31, 2018) I’m […]

Albums Arranging General Other Reaper Recordings Sibelius Website News

Variegated Plate

Wonder what this might be? var·i·e·gat·ed ˈver(ē)əˌɡādəd/ adjective 1) exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks. Botany: (of a plant or foliage) having or consisting of leaves that are edged or patterned in a second color, especially white as well as green. 2) marked by variety. Think definition number 2. Coming soon…….

Arranging General Other Reaper

Cubase DAW evaluation

It is always good advice not to switch to a different DAW if you are comfortable and familiar with another one. And, if you aren’t getting the sound you want from the DAW, spend the time learning that DAW before considering switching. Even so, sometimes it’s worth looking at other DAWs if they have a […]