General Music Theory Piano Lessons

Introduction to Music, Part 9 (Intervals & Chords)

Introduction to Music for those wanting to become musicans, or improve their musicianship Chords and Intervals Intervals An interval is the distance between two notes. We describe intervals in numerical terms, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. From the note C to the note D is a 2nd. Although D is only one note away from C, […]

General Piano Lessons

Chords – Part 3

Part 3 of our ongoing series about chords is now available on YouTube. In this video we talk about Augmented and Diminished chords. [youtube] You can think of Diminished chords as minor chords with a flat-5th. You can think of Augmented chords as major chords with a sharp-5th. When adding 7ths to diminished chords, […]