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10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

12-Tone Composition for 4 instruments Instrumental Ensemble
An example of a 12-tone (dodecaphonic) composition. This is for 4 instruments, any 4 instruments. Parts provided for C, Bb, Eb, F and Alto clef instruments.

A Charge To Keep I Have Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. The hymn tune BOYLSTON, best known as A Charge To Keep I Have arranged for instrumental ensemble. The arrangement has 4 parts that are essential - melody, harmony 1, harmony 2 and bass. Parts are provided for all C, Bb, Eb, F and alto clef instruments

A Classical Piece Instrumental Ensemble
Popular Title Original classical style composition for Piano Solo with orchestra. The title reflects both the style and form of the composition. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violins - Cello - solo Piano. Recorded on the Album A New Old Christmas under the title A Classical Christmas Piece.

A Little Pop Instrumental Ensemble
A lighthearted fun pop style composition. Good for a church orchestra or school orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - Horn - Trumpet - Trombone - Violin - Viola - Cello - Double Bass - Guitar - Piano - Drum Set. A setting of this title for Solo Piano is available in the catalog. This was included on our album Music Straight From The Box.

A Little Praise Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. An original composition that would be well placed in a contemporary worship service and playable in any worship service. It is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

A Mighty Fortress Instrumental Ensemble
A rhythmic piece inspired by the hymn tune EIN' FESTE BURG, best known as A Mighty Fortress is Our God. For Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet (Alto Saxophone), Bass Clarinet (Baritone Saxophone), Bassoon, Horn in F (Tenor Saxophone), Trumpet, Trombone (Euphonium), Tuba, Bass Drum, Glockenspiel, Cymbals, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, (Piano). Instruments in () are optional..

Adagio cantabile (Beethoven) Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. A setting for orchestra of the 2nd movement, the Adagio cantabile, from Beethoven Piano Sonata in C minor, Op. 13. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass. For smaller orchestras, a pianist can play along with the original movement, also available from

Adoration Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. An original composition playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Adoration Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. Orchestrated from the piano piece featured in the CD Travels Of The Heart. A colorful title with flowing accompaniment and bittersweet melody. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinets - Trumpet - Horn - Trombone - Violins - Viola - Cello - Bass - optional Alto Saxophone (doubling clarinet) Tenor Saxophone (doubling trombone) 3rd Clarinet (doubling cello)

Ah, Holy Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Ah, Holy Jesus (hymn tune HERZLIEBSTER JESU) is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

All Creatures Of Our God And King Instrumental Ensemble
An orchestra setting of this hymn tune. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, 2 Trombones, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, optional Percussion (Bass drum, triangle)

All Glory Laud And Honor Instrumental Ensemble
A pop somewhat techno dance style arrangement of this title. This orchestra arrangement is inspired by the song featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 2.. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet (Alto Sax), Bass Clarinet (Baritone Sax), Bassoon, Horn in F (Tenor Saxophone), Trumpet, Trombone (Euphonium), Tuba, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass..

All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any size Church Orchestra series. Playable with variable numbers of instruments with keyboard. This arrangement is of the hymn tune CORONATION.

All Things Bright And Beautiful Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of the popular piece All Things Bright And Beautiful based on the hymn tune ROYAL OAK.. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Alleluia, Hearts And Voices Heavenward Raise Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. A festive, upbeat arrangement of this hymn, often used around Easter. Tune name: LUX EOI. Instrumentation: Instruments listed in ( ) are optional. Flute, (Oboe), Clarinet, (Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone), Horn (or Mellophone), Trumpet, Trombone (or Euphonium, Tuba, Timpani, Percussion, Glockenspiel/Celeste, Harp), Violin 1, (Violin 2, Viola), Cello, Double Bass (or Electric Bass).

Amazing Grace Instrumental Ensemble
A setting of the hymn tune NEW BRITAIN, best known as Amazing Grace. For Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello. Optional parts for Oboe, Tenor Saxophone, Euphonium, French Horn.

Ancient Quandary Instrumental Ensemble
For orchestra. A bouncy, upbeat piece that might make one ponder things long past. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass. Optional parts: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba, Percussion

Another Things Instrumental Ensemble
A small ensemble piece for Melody, string pad (treble clef strings or keyboard), guitar, piano, bass & drums

At Calvary Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Cello - Piano - Alto Saxophone (optional) - Tenor Saxophone (optional). This arrangement reminds the listener of the gospel origins of this hymn but adds some interesting non-gospel elements to this popular hymn. Other settings of this arrangement can be found in the catalog for Brass Quintet - String Quartet - Organ - Choir and solo Piano.

Awake My Soul Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Awake, My Soul (MORNING SONG) is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Be Thou My Vision Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Be Thou My Vision (SLANE), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Beneath The Cross Of Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (ST CHRISTOPHER) is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Best Songs (inspired by Bach's Arioso) Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno, dance, house style piece. For two synthesizer leads - two string or pad parts - drums and synthesizer bass. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

Blessed Assurance Instrumental Ensemble
A contemporary setting with a 1970's retro-pop feel. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 2. Other arrangements of this title are available in this catalog for Choir Instrumental Solos and Piano. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinets - Bassoon - Horn - 2 Trumpets - 2 Trombones - 2 Violins - Viola - Cello and optional Piano condensed score. By using the piano with the orchestra one can play this piece with less than the required instruments.

Blue Piano Instrumental Ensemble
For small instrumental group. This instrumental piece is a fun, bluesy style piece. For solo piano - rock organ - clavinet - bass and drums.

Blurry Lines Instrumental Ensemble
4-part synth piece. Part of my series of short pieces. Instrumentation: Lead melody, Pad 1 (metallic), Pad 2 (synthpad), Synth Bass. Parts are included for C, Bb & Eb treble clef instruments and alto-clef instruments.

Breathe On Me [NOVA VITA] Instrumental Ensemble
For solo orchestra. A setting of the hymn tune NOVA VITA (Breathe On Me). For standard orchestra with optional doublings to make it playable with smaller groups.

Bright Is The Path Instrumental Ensemble
For Piano Solo with orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn (alto saxophone) - 2 Trombone (tuba) - Violins - Cello - Piano. Includes melody lead for Bb and C instruments. A different setting of this piece is available for solo Organ.

Brother James' Air Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of this tune for Instrumental Ensemble/Chamber group: Flute - Clarinet - Trumpet - Horn - Violin and Piano. A similar version for Woodwind Quintet is also available.

Butterfly Cloud Instrumental Ensemble
A piece for small mixed ensemble. A folksy, blues style. For solo piano, clarinet, 2 guitars, violin and drums.

Celtic Postlude Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. Adapted from the original organ piece. A modern take on Celtic/Irish music. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation Instrumental Ensemble
This uplifting piece is based on our original choral setting.. For orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass. Optional instruments: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Tuba, Euphonium

Christmas Meditation Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. A setting of some traditional Christmas music with some original material. A setting for solo instrument with piano is also available in the catalog. Instrumentation: Flute Oboe Clarinet French Horn Trumpet Trombone Violins Viola Cello Double Bass Harp Timpani and Glockenspiel. The harp part can be played on piano. Featured on our CD A New Old Christmas.

Christmas Medley Instrumental Ensemble
Popular Title and top seller. For Solo Orchestra. Featured on our CD A New Old Christmas. For your Advent or Christmas use. This medley includes: O Come O Come Emmanuel; The First Nowell; O Little Town of Bethlehem and Joy To The World. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violin - Viola - Cello - Piano (optional Guitar and Electric bass). Versions for Handbells and solo Organ are also available.

Christmas Piece Instrumental Ensemble
A contemporary piece that includes familiar Advent/Christmas pieces. Instrumentation: 2 Trumpets; 2 Horns; 2 Trombones; Flutes; Clarinet and Organ (easily adapted to piano). Featured on our CD A New Old Christmas. A slightly different setting for solo Organ is available in the catalog.

Come, Come Ye Saints Instrumental Ensemble
A challenging arrangement of this piece for orchestra and handbells. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Handbells (5 octave) - Violin - Cello. A standalone handbell choir setting of this piece is also available.

Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing Instrumental Ensemble
For String Quartet and Woodwind Ensemble. A modern setting of Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing with some nice syncopated sections. Tune: NETTLETON.. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn, Bassoon, Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello

Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (WARRENTON), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus (STUTTGART), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Count Your Blessings Instrumental Ensemble
A catchy version of this gospel hymn. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violins - Cello. Settings for solo instruments and Keyboard Trio are available in the catalog.

Crashing My Party Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno, dance, house style piece. Instrumentation: Piano solo, two synthesizer parts (Strings or pad sound) - Bass and drums. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

Cristo es la peña de Horeb (Christ is the Mountain of Horeb) Instrumental Ensemble
A lively arrangement of this popular Puerto Rican folk song. Instrumentation: 3 Flutes; Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, 5 Alto Saxophones; 5 Trumpets, 2 Trombones. Easily adaptable to smaller or larger ensembles. Early Intermediate level.

David's Lamentation Instrumental Ensemble
From Southern Harmony. Based on the story of David learning that Absalom was dead. For Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass. Optional instruments: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Euphonium, Tuba

Day By Day Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Day By Day (BLOTT EN DAG), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

Don't Stop Me Now Instrumental Ensemble
A selection from the album "I Won't Give Up". Lead, Piano, Pad, Guitar, Bass, Drums.

Down At The Cross Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An upbeat version of this hymn. Opportunities exist in the arrangement to show off different instrument sections. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violin - Cello - Piano (optional Guitar Electric Bass and Drums).

Dr. Jekyl Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble. A piece inspired by the numerous literary and film/tv adaptations of the story of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde as seen through the cartoon characters Tom and Jerry. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 1. Instrumentation: 3 Flutes - Alto Flute - Tenor Saxophone - Baritone Saxophone - French Horn - 2 Trumpet - Trombone - Xylophone - bass drum - triangle - windchimes - drum set - Guitar - Electric Bass and Piano.

Episode Instrumental Ensemble
An episode for orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, 2 Clarinet, Alto Saxophone (optional), Tenor Saxophone (optional), Horn, 2 Trumpets, Trombone, Cymbal, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass

Exaltation Instrumental Ensemble
From our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. An original, fun to play piece. Playable by any combination of 4 different instruments with keyboard.

Fairest Lord Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. A nice simple setting of this classic hymn also known under the title Beautiful Savior. Hymn tune: ST ELIZABETH. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - Trombone - Bells - 2 Violin - Viola - 2 Cello - Piano. Settings for Keyboard trio - Solo piano - Violin Duet and Woodwind Quintet are available in this catalog.

Falling Diamonds Instrumental Ensemble
A light pop/rock piece for orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola Cello, Double Bass, Guitar, Piano, Electric Bass, Drums

Footsteps Of Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - Trombone - Violin - Cello. Settings for Piano Duet and Organ Piano Duet are available in the catalog.

Glory, Glory Hallelujah (Battle Hymn of the Republic) Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of this classic piece best known under the name Battle Hymn of the Republic. Also known as Mine Eyes Have Seen. In a march like style. Instrumentation: 3 Flutes, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, 5 Alto Saxophones, 5 Trumpets, 2 Trombones. Easily adapted to work with larger and smaller ensembles. Early Intermediate Level

God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen Instrumental Ensemble
From our Any Size Church Orchestra Series A contemporary setting of this traditional Christmas piece. Playable by any combination of 4 different instruments with keyboard.

Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
An orchestra arrangement of this hymn. Hymn tune: IN BABILONE. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion (Cymbals, Snare Drum, Triangle, one player), Violins (2), Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

He Is Born (IL EST NÉ) Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of this French Carol. Based on the hymn tune IL EST NÉ. For full orchestra (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn (Alto Sax), Trumpet, Trombone (Tenor Sax), Percussion (Glockenspiel, Cymbal), Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Cello and Double Bass.

Heaven Above Instrumental Ensemble
A contrapuntal piece for orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass. Optional instruments: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Euphonium, Tuba

Here I Am To Worship Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

His Eye Is On The Sparrow Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of this popular hymn for Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Glockenspiel (opt), Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass. Other arrangements of this title are available for Horn, Organ and Trumpet.

Holy, Holy, Holy Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

How Great Is Our God Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

How Great Thou Art Instrumental Ensemble
The popular hymn, How Great Thou Art arranged for Orchestra or Concert Band. (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone, Saxophone, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello). There is a fair amount of doubling in this arrangement so even if you don't have all the instruments, it can be played by a smaller group

I Can Wait Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno, dance, house style piece. Instrumentation: Two keyboard (synthesizer) parts - Strings or pad - Drums and bass. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

I Come With Joy Instrumental Ensemble
A setting of the favorite communion hymn. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Viola - Cello - Alto Saxophone (optional) - Tenor Saxophone (optional). A setting of this tune is available in this catalog for solo Organ and Woodwind quintet.

I Hear Thy Welcome Voice Instrumental Ensemble
A flowing arrangement of this favorite hymn. Arrangements of this title for instrumental trio and solo piano can be found in this catalog. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinets - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - Bassoon - Horn - 2 Trumpets - 2 Trombones - 2 Violins - Viola - Cello - Bass - Piano. By using the piano part one can perform this piece with as few or as many of the instruments one might have in their group.

I Know That My Redeemer Lives Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. This arrangement of this early American hymn tune "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" (SHOUT ON), is playable by any 4 different instruments along with keyboard.

I Loved It Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno, dance, house style piece. Instrumentation: Two keyboard (synthesizer) parts - Strings or pad - Drums and bass. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

I Needed Your Love Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno, dance, house style piece. Instrumentation: Synthesizer lead - Synthesizer brass patch - Synthesizer strings - Synthesizer bass and drums. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

I Remember A Rose Instrumental Ensemble
A selection from the album "I Won't Give Up". Lead, Piano, Pad, Guitar, Bass, Drums.

I Remember You, My Lord Instrumental Ensemble
An original composition with communion/Lord's supper in mind. With a popular style feel. For Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass. Optional instruments: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tuba

Irma's March Instrumental Ensemble
An original composition for orchestra. A march like feel, a sense of forward motion throughout.

Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. The tune from the Herrnhunter Choralbuch 1755, best known as Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice (HAYN) is set here with a richer harmonic setting. This piece can be played by 4 or more instruments along with piano or organ. Parts are provided for all combinations of C Bb Eb F and Alto clef instruments. Melody instruments can adapt this as a solo piece with piano accompaniment. Similar settings are available for piano - organ and string quartet.

Joy To The World Instrumental Ensemble
A setting of this classic Christmas piece for 2 Violins - Oboe and optional percussion (snare drum - cymbals - bells). The Violin and Oboe parts were written with beginning/intermediate players in mind. The percussion parts were written with children in mind. Originally written for two middle-school and one high school player and children on percussion. Use handchimes - bells and any percussion for the optional percussion part. A similar arrangement for handbells is also available in this catalog.

Lachrymose Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. This is a somewhat avant-garde classical piece. A great teaching piece as well as a good concert piece. It would also make good background music to accompany any media.

Lead Us On Instrumental Ensemble
A selection from the album "I Won't Give Up". 6 solo instruments. 2 Treble clef, 4 bass clef.

Leading Me On Instrumental Ensemble
This short instrumental piece is from our series of short pieces. For lead - strings - piano - guitar - bass and drums.

Lenten Thoughts Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. A perfect piece for the Lenten season or for any meditative setting. A light pop style. Based on the solo piano version also available in the catalog.

Low In The Grave Instrumental Ensemble
For orchestra. A setting of this favorite Easter time hymn. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 3 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Percussion (Timpani and Bells) - Violins - Viola - Cello - Piano Guitar (optional) - Drums (optional). Parts also provided for Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone and Baritone Saxophone. A 4+1 type arrangement requiring less instruments is available in this catalog.

Low In The Grave (4+1) Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series This arrangement is playable by as little as 4 instruments with piano. This is adapted from the Orchestra version of this piece available in this catalog. Melody instruments can adapt this into an instrumental solo with piano accompaniment.

Maybe Call Me (Orchestra) Instrumental Ensemble
An orchestra arrangement of this song from our album I Loved It. The original version is a techno - dance - house - EDM style piece. This arrangement is more orchestral. Adding drums would give it a more dance feel. Instrumentation: 2 Flutes, Oboe, 2 Clarinets, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombone, Tuba, Bass Drum, Suspended Cymbal, String Section (2 Violins, Viola, Cello and Double Bass). Optional drums.

Maybe Call Me (Original) Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno - dance - house - EDM style piece. Instrumentation: Alto Saxophone or synthesizer lead - Piano or keyboard - Two string or synthesizer string parts - Electric bass and drums. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

Meditation on BLAENHAFREN Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. This haunting, melancholy Welsh melody is sure to be a favorite with listeners. Often set to the lyrics Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service. Hymn tune: BLAENHAFREN..

Meditation on Let Us Break Bread Together Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. A meditation on this popular communion hymn. Just the right length to use during communion

Memoriam Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. Based on an original solo piano composition written for use at a memorial service. Also appropriate during communion or Lent. For standard orchestra with optional doubling parts

Midnight Of Sadness Instrumental Ensemble
A modern classical piece for orchestra.

Missiles Of October Instrumental Ensemble
A piece inspired by the historical events in October of 1962 when the threat of nuclear war was at its height. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 1. Instrumentation: 3 Flute - Oboe - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - Baritone Saxophone - French Horn - 2 Trumpet - Trombone - Marimba - Suspended Cymbal and Triangle - Guitar - Electric Bass - Piano - Cello.

Moment By Moment (version 1) Instrumental Ensemble
A setting of this tune for Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Cello - Piano - Guitar (chords). The two titles for Orchestra listed are similar in style except for requiring different instrumentation. A different setting of this tune is available for Woodwinds and Solo piano.

Moment By Moment (version 2) Instrumental Ensemble
A setting for orchestra of this hymn tune. Instrumentation: Flute - Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Cello - Piano - Guitar (chord symbols). This setting is a re-orchestration from the other title listed for orchestra. Settings for Woodwinds and Solo piano are also available in this catalog.

More Precious Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. This piece is in the style of a Bach two-part invention. This setting is based on the original keyboard title available in the catalog. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - Horn - Trumpet - Trombone - Violin - Viola - Cello (optional Alto Sax - optional Tenor Sax - Double Bass)

Morning Has Broken Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. This popular Gaelic melody arranged here in a setting great for church services, concerts or recitals. Hymn tune: BUNESSAN

Nearer My God To Thee Instrumental Ensemble
A setting of the hymn tune BETHANY, best known as Nearer My God To Thee. This is the song the band on the ship Titantic played as the ship slowly sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912. For orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello. Optional parts for Oboe, French Horn, Tenor Saxophone, Euphonium.

Nicene Creed Instrumental Ensemble
This orchestra piece can be used to accompany the choral setting of the Nicene Creed also available in our catalog or as a solo piece utilizing any title you care to give it. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello.

Now Thank We All Our God Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. A contemporary, upbeat setting of this hymn. Hymn tune: NUN DANKET

O Come O Come Emmanuel Instrumental Ensemble
This Advent tune set for Orchestra. Featured on our CD A New Old Christmas Instrumentation: 2 Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violin - Cello - Piano. Includes optional parts for Alto Saxophone and Tenor Saxophone. A different setting of this tune is available in this catalog for solo Organ.

Oh When The Saints Go Marching In Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of the all-time classic piece "Oh, When The Saints Go Marching In." This is lively, jazzy, pop style arrangement for a modified band. Instrumentation: 2 Flutes, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, 2 Alto Saxophones, Tenor Saxophone, 2 Trumpets, Trombone, Optional Viola and Violin

Oh, How Glorious (Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana) Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement for modified band of the traditional tune "Oh How Glorious." A light, fun piece to play. Instrumentation: 2 Flutes, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, 2 Alto Saxophones, Tenor Saxophone, 2 Trumpets, Trombone, Optional Viola and Violin.

Once In Royal David's City Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra series. A favorite Christmas hymn arranged in a meditative style. Hymn tune: IRBY. Can be played with as little as 1 instrument with piano or by a full orchestra or concert band

Onward Christian Soldiers Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra series. This all-time favorite hymn tune (ST GERTRUDE) Is a reminder of the New Testament passages about Christians constantly waging a war against the forces of evil. The 3/4 section is most interesting. A good prelude or offertory piece. Playable with as little as one instrument and keyboard or a full orchestra or concert band.

Open The Eyes Of My Heart Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

Path To Nowhere Instrumental Ensemble
This piece was featured on our album Selections, Volume 1. Originally for 5 synthesizers, it can also be played by any combination of 3 treble clef and 3 bass clef instruments. (The low bass part splits into two parts in sections).

Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. An exciting, fun arrangement of this favorite hymn. Hymn tune: LAUDA ANIMA. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Timpani, Marimba, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

Prelude In 3/8 Time Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra (Instrumental Ensemble). Approximately 5 minutes in length, an ABA form piece. Good for a school orchestra or even in use at a church service for a prelude.

Red Silver Instrumental Ensemble
A 12-tone piece for orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion (Snare Drum), Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart Instrumental Ensemble
For an ensemble consisting of brass quartet and string quartet (2 Trumpets - 2 Trombone - 2 Violins - Viola and Cello). Similar arrangements for Brass and solo piano are available in this catalog.

Run Away From The Island Instrumental Ensemble
From the recording available in our catalog. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 1. A high paced sounding piece based on a 12-tone row. This setting for Orchestra is a great thriller. Instruments: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet (Alto Sax), Bass Clarinet (Baritone Sax), Bassoon, Horn in F (Tenor Sax), Trumpet, Trombone (Euphonium), Tuba, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass.

Sad Sixes Instrumental Ensemble
This title is for 4 synthesizers or any combination of instruments. Parts 1 & 2 are treble clef instruments. Parts 3 & 4 are bass & treble clef. A sad, melancholy sounding piece

Shout To The Lord Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

Shrubbery Maze Instrumental Ensemble
For orchestra. This contemporary classical piece will have your players thinking they are in a maze and your audience will wonder if you'll be able to get out of the maze. A fun piece for any intermediate or above orchestra. Can be played without all the instruments called for. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Timpani, Bass Drum, Glockenspiel, Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass.

Soft And Hard Instrumental Ensemble
The sheet music from which the recording (also available in the catalog) was made. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 2. A moderate speed piece a little jazzy and pop in style. Instrumentation: Instrumental (Synthesizer Lead) 2 Guitars Bass Drums. A setting for solo instrument and Solo Piano is available in the catalog.

Song Of Joy Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. A flowing contemporary pop, jazz piece for orchestra. Based on my solo piano composition featured on the album Travels Of The Heart

Suspense Chase Instrumental Ensemble
A suspense and chase piece with a hint of a comic element. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 2. An example of TV or film underscoring. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet - Bassoon - French Horn - Timpani - Bass Drum - Harp - Violin - Viola - Cello - Double Bass

Sweet Hour Of Prayer Instrumental Ensemble
A full orchestra version of this favorite hymn. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violins - Cello - Piano. With the doubling present in the orchestration the piece can be played without all the required instruments. A setting in the 4+1 format requiring fewer instruments is also available.

Sweet Hour Of Prayer (4+1) Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series A similar setting of this piece is available in this catalog for Orchestra. Melody instruments can adapt this into an instrumental solo with piano accompaniment. Playable by any combination of 4 instruments and piano.

Sweet, By and By Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. A contemporary setting of this popular hymn, also known as There's A Land That is Fairer Than Day.. Instrumentation: Flute (2), Clarinet (2), Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone (3), Mellophone (French Horn), Trumpet (2), Trombone, Violin (2), Viola, Cello

Tell Out, My Soul Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of this popular hymn for Orchestra. Hymn tune: WOODLANDS. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Glockenspiel.

Tension Builder Instrumental Ensemble
This orchestra title evokes tension throughout its entire length. For full orchestra, this cinematic piece will get the tension going. Play it slower or faster for shorter or longer tension builders. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Timpani, Percussion ( Snare Drum, Triangle, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Gongs, Tom-toms, Woodblock), Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass.

That's The Way Instrumental Ensemble
A selection from the album "I Won't Give Up". 2 Lead, Piano, Pad, Guitar, Bass, Drums.

The Breath Of Dawn Instrumental Ensemble
A bouncy pop style orchestra piece with lots of nice syncopated parts. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - Clarinet (doubled by optional Alto saxophone) - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone ( 1st doubled by Tenor saxophone) - Low instrument (either or all of tuba - bass clarinet - double bass - bassoon or electric bass) - Violins - Cello. Similar arrangements are available in this catalog for solo Organ and Handchimes.

The Cat Instrumental Ensemble
A piece inspired by various cartoon depictions of cats chasing mice with the emphasis on the cat. Featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 1. Instrumentation: 3 Flute - Alto Flute - Alto Saxophone - Baritone Saxophone - French Horn - 2 Trumpet - Guitar - Electric Bass - Drum set - Piano.

The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) Instrumental Ensemble
For Mandolin, Cello and Drums! A unique setting of the all-time favorite Christmas piece The Christmas Song, also known as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire To be honest, someone dared me to write for this combination of instruments and submit it to SMP with the hope it sells. You can substitute Violin, Guitar, Ukelele, Banjo or keyboard for the Mandolin part. For the Cello part, you could substitute Trombone, Bassoon or keyboard.

The Cross Medley Instrumental Ensemble
A medley of Cross related hymns including: I Saw The Cross of Jesus; Old Rugged Cross; Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross and When I Survey The Wondrous Cross. Instrumentation: Flute - Clarinet - Alto saxophone (optional) - Tenor Saxophone (optional) - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Cello - Piano - Guitar (optional chords only). Similar settings or adaptations of this arrangement are available in this catalog for Handbells and solo Organ.

The First Nowell Instrumental Ensemble
From our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. A nice, fresh setting of this Christmas piece. Playable by any combination of 4 different instruments and keyboard.

The Lily Of The Valley Instrumental Ensemble
An upbeat lively setting. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violins - Cello Piano - Drums (optional).

The Star-Spangled Banner Instrumental Ensemble
A one-verse arrangement of the US national anthem, also known as The Star-Spangled Banner. For Orchestra. Instrumentation: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello. Optional Oboe, French Horn, Tenor Saxophone, Bassoon, Euphonium.

There Is A Fountain Instrumental Ensemble
A full arrangement for orchestra of this always popular hymn. Instrumentation: 2 Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - Alto saxophone (optional) - Tenor saxophone (optional) - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Bells - Violins - Viola (optional) - Cello - Keyboard (Rhythm)

There Is Power In The Blood Instrumental Ensemble
A fun to play arrangement of this audience favorite, There Is Power In The Blood. For Orchestra. There are many doubled parts in this arrangement which means it can be played and sound just as good without all the listed instruments. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn in F, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Cymbal, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

Tidings Instrumental Ensemble
A slow reflective setting of the hymn tune TIDINGS (O Zion Haste). This setting is for orchestra based on the recording featured on our album Selections from JamesGilbertMusic, Volume 2. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet (Alto Sax), Bass Clarinet (Baritone Sax), Bassoon, Horn in F (Tenor Saxophone), Trumpet, Trombone (Euphonium), Tuba, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Snare Drum, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass..

Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus Instrumental Ensemble
An orchestra setting of this hymn. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Cymbals, Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass

Treasures Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental parts from this song as featured on our album I Loved It. This is a techno - dance - house - EDM style piece. Instrumentation: Electric piano - Two synthesizer parts - Bass and drums. The parts could be played by any acoustic instruments.

Twilight's Praise Instrumental Ensemble
For Orchestra. Pulsating rhythm keeps this piece moving along. Instrumentation: Flute - Oboe - 2 Clarinet - Alto Saxophone - Tenor Saxophone - 2 Trumpet - Horn - 2 Trombone - Violin - Cello - Piano - Synthesizer. Can be done with less instruments than called for. An adaptation for solo Piano featured on the CD Travels Of The Heart is available in this catalog.

Waiting and Watching Instrumental Ensemble
An original composition for orchestra. A minor, reflective piece. For Orchestra. Many parts are doubled so it can be played with a smaller than average group

Waking Me Up Instrumental Ensemble
A selection from the album "I Won't Give Up". Lead, Piano, Pad, Guitar, Bass, Drums.

Way Maker Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

What A Beautiful Name Instrumental Ensemble
For Solo Orchestra. An arrangement of this popular praise chorus.

What Child Is This Instrumental Ensemble
An arrangement of the popular tune GREENSLEEVES, best known as the Christmas piece What Child Is This? This orchestra arrangement is also available for solo piano. Instrumentation: Flute Oboe Clarinet French Horn Trumpet Trombone Timpani Violin 1 Violin 2 Viola Cello Bass.

What Wondrous Love Is This Instrumental Ensemble
A new setting of this popular hymn. Other settings are available in the catalog for Piano - Brass - Organ or Choir. Instrumentation: Flute Oboe Clarinet Alto Saxophone (optional) Tenor Saxophone (optional) French Horn 2 Trumpets Trombone Triangle Violin Viola Cello Double Bass Guitar Electric Bass (optional).

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Instrumental Ensemble
For solo orchestra. An expressive arrangement of this popular Lent and Easter title. Tune name: HAMBURG.

When We All Get To Heaven (4+1) Instrumental Ensemble
Part of our Any Size Church Orchestra Series. A great setting of this gospel hymn, When We All Get To Heaven. Playable by any combination of 4 different instruments with keyboard.

Where He Leads Me Instrumental Ensemble
An orchestra setting of this hymn tune. Instrumentation: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Triangle, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass

YouTube Tutorial Instrumental Ensemble
A short orchestra piece written for a YouTube tutorial about using Sibelius. Visit our YouTube channel for an audio sample. Instrumentation: Flute Oboe Clarinet Trumpets (3) Trombones (2) Violin (1) Cello (1).

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America The Beautiful interlude and modulation to My Country Tis Of Thee (Organ Accompaniment)
Anglican Chant (1) (Choral)
Assorted LH Chords and Symbols (Music Theory)
Augmented Chords (Music Theory)
Bill Bailey (1) (Leadsheet)
Bill Bailey (2) (Leadsheet)
Blessed Assurance (Descant) (Choral)
Blessed Be The Name (Hymn Accompaniment)
Cantabile: Selections from the Masters (Organ)
Chord Inversions (Music Theory)
Christmas Caroling (Leadsheet)
Christmas selections (Leadsheet)
Diminished Chords (Music Theory)
Face To Face With Christ My Savior (5 Octave) (Handbells)
Finale Tips And Secrets (Book)
GORDON (Instrumental Descant)
Harmonizations of the note Middle C (Music Theory)
HENDON (Instrumental Descant)
In The Shadows But Still In The Spotlight (Book)
Instrumental Descants Volume 1 (Instrumental Descant)
Instrumental Descants Volume 2 (Instrumental Descant)
Instrumental Descants Volume 3 (Instrumental Descant)
Instrumental Hymn Improvisations Volume 1 (Instrumental Improvisation)
Instrumental Hymn Improvisations Volume 2 (Instrumental Improvisation)
JOYFUL SONG (Instrumental Descant)
Major Chords (Music Theory)
Major Scales (Music Theory)
Minor Chords (Music Theory)
MORECAMBE (8 chimes E5-E6) (Handchimes)
Notation example (Guitar)
Note flashcards (Music Theory)
Note Review (Music Theory)
Notes on the Grand Staff (Music Theory)
OLIVE'S BROW (8 chimes G5-E6) (Handchimes)
Praise-Worship Leadsheets (Praise-Worship)
PROMISES (Standing On The Promises) (Instrumental Descant)
Sarabande for Cello from Suite 5 by J.S. Bach (Strings)
To God Be The Glory (descant) (Choral)
Two Beginner Piano Pieces (Music Theory)
Voicing of the G chord (for piano) (Music Theory)
A Chant Of One