Albums General

New Album

New Album It’s been nearly 3 years since I released an album so I thought it was about time to release a new one. This one is a sampler of various styles of music I compose, arrange or record. Some of it is available in sheet music from my website. Look for it June 1, […]

Albums Arranging General Organ Music Piano Lessons Reaper Recordings Sibelius Website News YouTube Videos

May 2018 update

Current news I’m always looking for subjects to write about here or tutorial to do on YouTube. Please use the comments section to give me some ideas. I’ve not shown a map of where people are buying and performing my sheet music for some time, so here’s the latest (as of Mar 31, 2018) I’m […]

Albums General Recordings Website News

New Album available

So I have nothing better to do than teach piano, compose music & record albums. Oh, and perform from time to time. And of course, I have no idea how to publicize it (and all my efforts at learning how haven’t worked). Here’s my my 10th album. Variegated Plate.

Albums Arranging General Other Reaper Recordings Sibelius Website News

Variegated Plate

Wonder what this might be? var·i·e·gat·ed ˈver(ē)əˌɡādəd/ adjective 1) exhibiting different colors, especially as irregular patches or streaks. Botany: (of a plant or foliage) having or consisting of leaves that are edged or patterned in a second color, especially white as well as green. 2) marked by variety. Think definition number 2. Coming soon…….

Albums Arranging Church Music General Recordings Website News

Website update

Website update I’ve made some major changes to the website in the past two months. Visit to see all the changes. More free music In the process of getting rid of collections (see below), I decided to move several titles to the free category (listed at the bottom of the music catalog pages). As […]