Albums General

New Album

New Album It’s been nearly 3 years since I released an album so I thought it was about time to release a new one. This one is a sampler of various styles of music I compose, arrange or record. Some of it is available in sheet music from my website. Look for it June 1, […]

Arranging Church Music Organ Music Website News

New Additions to the Catalog

New Additions The sheet music we have available is in a variety of styles for just about every imaginable combination of instruments. Some were written & used in church; some were written for teaching and educational settings; some are just fun to play and some would make great background music in a video. I’ve added […]

Arranging General Recordings

Results of my contest entry

Did they even listen to my entry? So, a few posts ago I mentioned that Spitfire Audio was havingĀ  a contest that I had entered. The one and half minute video was provided by them. Contestants had to write music to fit the video. It didn’t matter what sound libraries we used, it was “the […]